Tuesday, December 31, 2019


If this is your year to decide about Jesus

At a time when a lot of people are making resolutions, it may be that you have decided something about Jesus.  It may be a decision to find out the truth about the baby Jesus that grew up to bring good news to your world.

It may be a decision to embrace the Jesus calling all the way.  This is the year you give your life to Christ.

Or it may be that you have resolved to break the chains of sin and addiction that are trying to keep you from your calling as God's child.


If you are not sure about the whole Jesus journey but would like to at least learn more about who He is, what he has done for you, and what your response to that could be, then please get in touch with me.  I would be honored to spend as much time as it takes to let you explore who the real Jesus is, the Jesus that loves you more than you can possible imagine.  The Jesus that changed everything for me, and can for you too.

If you have decided that you do believe in Jesus, and you want to be his follower, then please let me know.  I can help you work thru what it means to follow him, help you know what to do to accept the greatest gift you will be given.

If you are a believer but Satan has you in the grip of sin or addiction that is ruining your life, please connect with me.  You do not have to live in shame and guilt.  There is hope and deliverance.  I know.  I've been there.

Or if you used to follow Jesus and have lost your way, I will help you come home.

Message me on Facebook.

Email me at sridgell@heraldoftruth.org.

Or call me at 325.725.0925.

I will do whatever it takes to help you, to share, to talk, to meet.

This is the year for you and Jesus.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Not Christmas, not Church, not Country, but Jesus

I am reminded at this time of year how easy it is to send the wrong message.  As believers, our task is to point people to Jesus.  He came into this world to seek and save the lost.  God loved us so much that he let his Son come to this world to provide us a way back to God, and Christmas is a time when many people hear glimpses of these truths.  Those of us that believe make up a community of faith, a church.  And we make our country a better place because we live in our communities as those that follow the Jesus way.

But Christmas, church, and country are not the same as Jesus.  In fact, if not careful we mix our message to the point that it is not heard.  So be careful this season to keep the main thing the main thing.

Jesus is not Christmas.  It is so easy to lose the real Jesus among the Christmas songs, the Advent services, the Nativity scenes, and the catchy phrases (Jesus is the reason for the season).  Candlelight services and Christmas plays.  These activities may all point to Jesus, but sometimes we lose the reality among the packaging.  So slick, so performance driven, so easy.  The reality is that Jesus was a real Savior who came into a real world to save real people.  Don't confuse Christmas with Jesus. 

It is political season in the United States.  Primary season cranking up, impeachment proceedings, abortion laws, legislation about what is -- and isn't -- marriage.  And it seems so clear what to do politically.  Remove a President that has clear moral and behavioral issues not consistent with Christian behavior.  Stop the party that aborts innocent babies and defines marriage in a way not consistent with Scripture.  Or withdraw from politics completely.  And I know committed believers who are sure which of these Jesus would choose.  And if anyone follows a different path than the one you choose, they clearly are ruining their Christian witness.  By the way, I absolutely espouse one of these positions.  But I am aware how easy it is to push our Christian agenda in an unchristian way.  Sure makes it hard to see Jesus.  And if our country overnight became what you think it should be, that still does not declare the message of Jesus.  He came to save people, not countries.

Even church can sometimes obscure our message of Jesus.  If not careful, we even stress the importance of introducing our church to our community.  Maybe the message should be about introducing our community to Jesus.  And yes, you would want your church to be an avenue to introduce people to Jesus.  But again, it becomes too easy to get caught up in the programs, activities, and services.  Sometimes even forgetting why we do these things.

So be sure that Christmas opens doors to talk about why Jesus came.

Remember that our country is not our Kingdom. 

And church is the saved.  It is not what saves you.  Or your friends.

Jesus.  Always Jesus. 

Thursday, December 12, 2019


A few Christmas gifts for special people

There are a few special gifts I wish I could give to some special people this Christmas.  I am not naming names but some of you will recognize yourself.  So here are a few gifts I would give.

I would give the gift of Jesus to those people I am having conversations with but have not yet decided to give their life to Jesus.

I would give the certain knowledge of forgiveness to those I love whose life is in a mess but still love Jesus.  Your story is still being written.

I would give a clear path home to my friends who are struggling with their faith.

I would give community to my friends searching for a church home.

I would give peace to those struggling with illness that Doctors have declared terminal/incurable.

I would give a clear identity in Jesus to those who can't find where they fit in this world.

I would give reconciliation to those in damaged relationships with spouses/parents/kids.

I would give spiritual self-esteem to those who feel like their life is a failure.  It is not over.

I would give strength to my brothers and sisters in small churches trying to make a difference in hard places.

I would give a stout heart and a clear voice to all those speaking truth in a world full of lies.

I would give wisdom to those elders trying to get all their flock to heaven.

I would give patience/strength/wisdom to every parent trying to raise their kids to be light in a dark world.

And the truth is, I can't give these gifts.  I can talk, encourage, support, and pray.

But I do know who can do way more than I can ask or imagine. 

So go God.  Give gifts.

Thursday, December 05, 2019


Do church at home this Christmas...

So I often get asked how to use the Christmas opportunity to reach friends, family, and neighbors for Jesus.  How do you start conversations, open doors, share the gospel?

I want to suggest you try some version of home church this year.

I am not suggesting that you not invite people to your church services.  That may very well spark conversation and give opportunity to ask if they have questions or would like to visit more.  Make this experience better by having them over for supper before or take them to lunch after.

I am not even suggesting you not go to "big" church service and instead do family church.  Tho I have to say that may be really effective with family members who are not yet believers. 

But here is a suggestion that might work for you.

Invite a couple of church families over.  Also invite a couple of families you want to reach.  Or do your family gathering this way if there are some present who are not believers. 

And here is what I think you do. 

Eat together.  Provide the meal.  Soup, burgers, whatever.  It is even OK to ask everyone to bring something:  dessert, salad, bread.

Sing a couple of Christmas songs that point to Jesus.  Away in a Manger.  Silent Night.  Hark the Herald Angels Sing. 

Read the account of the birth of Jesus from Luke 2. 

Have a time of prayer.  Take requests. 

You may even want to give a short testimony about why Jesus is so special to you.

Thank everyone for coming.  Let them know if they want to talk more about Jesus or about how to have the "Christmas" spirit all year long you would love to get together again.  You can even follow-up by asking them later if they would like to talk more.

I don't believe in ambushing people so I think it is OK when you invite them to say we are going to eat, sing a couple of songs, read the birth story of Jesus, pray.

And keep it short.  An hour.  Maybe an hour and a half if you have dessert.

It may not open any doors.  Or it may open one wide open.  But you will have planted a Jesus seed in a heart that needs him.

Praying it works. 

Tuesday, December 03, 2019


Remember that baby Jesus grew up ...

I am always excited -- and a little frustrated -- this time of year.  As a Christian, there are lots of competing issues that can sure make it easy to lose track of the real message.  And I do not mean the message that is just shared at Christmas.  I mean the message of today.  The message of every day until the Lord returns. 

So here are a few of those issues that are a little complicated this time of year.

Baby Jesus.  God's own son came to earth as a baby.  Sweet.  Even adorable.  But safe.  Who doesn't want to cuddle a baby?  The fact that God sent his son is amazing news.  Christmas is a great time to invite friends, family, and neighbors to worship with us.  To let them hear the message of good news. 

Except Jesus did not stay a baby.  He grew up to die on a cross.  Christmas is a great time to initiate conversations about Jesus that can run all the way up to Easter.  It is a natural time in our cultural calendar.  People may be more receptive than ever to talk about the real Jesus. 

So don't let Jesus stay a baby in a manger.  He came into a fallen world to do battle with Satan.  He did.  And he won.  His birth is exciting.  But he came to die.  And be raised.

And what do we do with Christmas Christians?  Do you implore them to be a year round follower?  Do you chastise them for only showing up three times a year (Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day)?  That doesn't really seem appropriate.  But we sure don't help them by acting as if that is exactly how believers should be.  Tough issue.

This next one never really bothered me and didn't seem to confuse anyone in my family, but I hear people that wrestle with the whole God/Santa Clause issue.  Know everything, demands we be good, punish us if not.  One real and one not.  So do we ignore the world view of Christmas?  Or do we just let Santa "stand in" for God. 

So it is fair to ask what I do as an Christian to share my faith at Christmas.  We keep developing relationships with our neighbors.  Cards, food baskets, parties.  We invite people to talk about the real baby Jesus.  We do invite people to visit church with us.  This year going to try a Christmas to Easter journey with some people.  Start with the good news of his birth, work right up to his crucifixion and resurrection.  Talk about what that means to believe it all year long.

I talk a lot about food, family, fun, and presents.  The things everyone likes about Christmas.  The things some people wish they could have at Christmas.  Lets me talk about Christmas all year long.  Because that's what I have as a Christian.  Christmas all year long.  Because of Jesus.

And that is the Christmas message I want to share.

Just things I wrestle with at Christmas.

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