Thursday, December 12, 2019


A few Christmas gifts for special people

There are a few special gifts I wish I could give to some special people this Christmas.  I am not naming names but some of you will recognize yourself.  So here are a few gifts I would give.

I would give the gift of Jesus to those people I am having conversations with but have not yet decided to give their life to Jesus.

I would give the certain knowledge of forgiveness to those I love whose life is in a mess but still love Jesus.  Your story is still being written.

I would give a clear path home to my friends who are struggling with their faith.

I would give community to my friends searching for a church home.

I would give peace to those struggling with illness that Doctors have declared terminal/incurable.

I would give a clear identity in Jesus to those who can't find where they fit in this world.

I would give reconciliation to those in damaged relationships with spouses/parents/kids.

I would give spiritual self-esteem to those who feel like their life is a failure.  It is not over.

I would give strength to my brothers and sisters in small churches trying to make a difference in hard places.

I would give a stout heart and a clear voice to all those speaking truth in a world full of lies.

I would give wisdom to those elders trying to get all their flock to heaven.

I would give patience/strength/wisdom to every parent trying to raise their kids to be light in a dark world.

And the truth is, I can't give these gifts.  I can talk, encourage, support, and pray.

But I do know who can do way more than I can ask or imagine. 

So go God.  Give gifts.

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