Thursday, July 29, 2021


It is OK to leave your church if you change

 I have been thinking about this lately.  Sometimes your church is clear about what they believe and about what the mission is.  You may be perfectly in sync and happy there.  Or, you may over time find that you have changed your convictions about what you believe or what you believe the mission is.

It may be that you are in a "conservative" church and your views on Scripture have changed.  Or you have  become convinced that they are not on target for what the mission should be.  You are becoming frustrated and unhappy.  It may be time to move on.  To another church or even to a house church. 

Or you may be in a "liberal" church and as you study the Bible you may decide your fellowship is not lining up with what you believe Scripture teaches.  Or what the mission should be.  You are becoming frustrated and unhappy.  It may be time to move on.  To another church or even to a house church.   

I think it is even the right thing to do to share with your leaders why you can no longer worship there.  And right for them to share why they are not going to change to your viewpoint.

But here is what I am convicted about.  Don't tear up a church.  Hold your convictions.  Share them.  When it becomes obvious that everyone is not going to come around to your way of thinking... I think better to leave than be devisive.

But please make sure that what you are leaving over is really crucial to your faith.  We cannot just walk away every time something does not go the way we think it should.  Your new view of how worship should be may -- or may not -- be a good idea, but is it a core faith principle?

I generally am not a fan in changing churches just because you don't agree with everything.  After all, this is your faith community.  But sometimes the problem is not the community, it is the faith.  And ultimately you answer to God,  not to church leaders.

I would encourage you to listen to your church leaders as to why they are not willing to change.  They are your leaders and it may be that they are right.  But if it becomes a matter of your core convictions...

Leave with grace and love and peace.  My personal conviction is that I still might do life with many believers in that church.  So try not to burn bridges if possible. 

One last plea:  do not use leaving as a bully tactic to get your way.  Not what Jesus would do.  

Be clear about why your convictions have changed so much that you cannot stay there.  Explain it clearly to the leaders.  And to people that ask.  

And if the church is not going to change to your way of thinking then go with peace and grace.

To church leaders:  do not change your conviction to try and keep these members.  Listen to them.  Evaluate their new convictions.  But if you are on what you believe to be solid ground in your beliefs and mission, do not waver.  It will be better for them to leave.  Bless them.  Be clear to them on what you believe.  Love them.  

And let them go. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021


Leaders have to lead

 I see in churches all across our country.  Churches worried about people leaving.  And members do leave.  The town I live in has a few churches that have lost a lot of members.  And a few churches who have gained a lot of members.  Same members.  

Members leaving is scary.  Budget stress.  Building usage.  Church programs.  Even the future of a congregation can be impacted.

But members leave.  So I am asking leaders to lead in a way that makes leaving a healthier situation.  

Here is what I mean.  Lead in a way that is clear.  Decide what God wants and do it.  Stand on Scripture.  Or don't.  But be clear.  Stop reacting to the next crisis.  

Be clear on your view of Scripture.  What does your church believe about the Bible.  

Be clear on the mission.  What is your call to action as a church?

Don't apologize for your convictions.  Don't change just to try and keep the crowd.  Be clear if you do  change.  Be sure it fits with your view of Scripture and mission.  

People may still leave, but it will be because they do not buy in to your view of Scripture or your mission.  That is OK.  Jesus was so clear that some people left because what he said was too hard for them to hear or do.  

Changing to fit culture.  Changing to appease the rich member.  Changing to try and keep the young.  And on and on it goes.  Finding yourself going thru a major change every decade or so to stay relevant and wondering why there is no growth.

Then realizing it is a futile exercise.  You are always reacting.

I talk to a lot of people about Jesus.  I often share stories about those who decide to become disciples.  But I also have a lot I talk to who decide not to. 

Their decision.  Just like members of a church.

So leaders decide who you are as a church.  Be clear.  Let the members do as they will but remember as the leader of God's people you do not answer to the people.  You answer to God.

I happen to think you will grow.  Real Kingdom growth.  Lost people who are seeking.

And yes I am very aware that every church thinks this is exactly what they are doing.  

And yes I know I may -- or may not -- be right in any of my thinking on this.

But this is what I am thinking today.  

Leaders be clear.  

Do not have your members wondering where you stand.  



Thursday, July 22, 2021


My college roommate, Richard Blaisdell, retired

 He was my college roommate.  Well, before that he was my best friend.  And before that... the truth is I don't remember meeting Richard Blaisdell.  We were newborns together in the old Trinity Heights church of Christ nursery.  

I just recently attended his Retirement party at the Buckingham Road church of Christ.  He has worked with that church for over 40 years as a missionary, youth director, pulpit minister, and preaching elder.  Even now, he is not retiring.  He will still work some as their local missionary evangelist.  

So here are a few reasons I am proud of Richard and glad he has been my friend for almost 70 years.

He is the most genuine person I know.  No hidden agendas.  No trying to impress anyone.  No saying what he doesn't really mean.  

He loves Jesus.  He loves his family.  He loves his church.  He loves lost people.

He loves me.  

He is a great encourager.  Never have I heard him say anything negative about anyone.  I am sure he has to think negative things sometimes, even about me.  He just never says it.

I don't know anyone that does not love Richard.  He wants what is best for everyone. That mostly involves helping everyone be a follower of Jesus.

That old Trinity Heights group produced a lot of men and women who have done amazing things in the Kingdom.

Richard leads that group.

So I am glad he is not really retiring.  He will keep teaching, shepherding, and helping people find Jesus.

And besides, if he ever really retires, that might make me think about it.  :)

So well done Richard Blaisdell,

I am proud of you.

More importantly, God is proud of his servant.  You helped God change a lot of lives for the better.

Including mine.

So God, thanks for Richard.  Continue to bless him and use him.  And give us more like him.  

Tuesday, July 20, 2021


Four battles I promise to fight every day

 Christians are warriors for the Kingdom of God.  

There are four battles every Christian needs to engage in every day.

First, fight Satan in your own life.  Get in the Word.  Pray often.  Fight temptation.  Stay focused.

Second, fight with others in their battle against the evil one.  Speak a word of encouragement.  Send a card.  Have someone in your home for coffee or dinner.  Show up during the hard times.  Give of your time, money, and energy to encourage/help others.  Do not gossip.

Third.  Fight for the souls of  those outside the Kingdom.  Speak up for Jesus.  Invite people to church.  Share you story.  Invite people to hear more about Jesus.  Ask people to join you on the Jesus journey.

Four.  Fight the influence of Satan in this world.  Speak words of peace.  Treat people the way Jesus did.  Be a kingdom outpost.

Every day.

This is your real mission and task in this world.

Do this on the job, at school, at the ballfield, in your neighborhood, in your church, and in your family.

Be strong.  Be courageous.  Do not get discouraged.  Do not be afraid.

God is with you.

You have much to offer.  So do it.

You are part of a might army.

And we will win.  

So get in the fight.  Every day till you are called home. 

Thursday, July 15, 2021


My granddaughter, Avery Gilbreth, is about to turn 14

This Sunday, our Avery Grace Gilbreth will be 14.  Here are a few of the reasons I love her and am proud of her. 

She is a really good gymnest.  Lots of medals.  Does things that take outstanding athleticism.  And some measure of fearlessness.  She could have played several sports, but she fell in love with gymnastics and has never wanted to do anything else.

She is smart.  Makes good grades without putting in much effort.  She will figure that out.  

Avery gets along with people.  She has an amazing variety of frinds.  Gym friends.  School friends.  Friends with her cousins. 

She loves animals.  Adopts every stray she can.  Would happily live on a ranch with dozens and dozens of animals of all kinds.

She is a hard worker.  Has a job.  

Loves her family.  Close to her Mom and brother.  Loves her cousins and Uncle Joe Don and Aunt Jamie.  And her Mimi and Pops.  She still actually seems OK when she has to hang out with us.  

Finding her faith.  She is learning to figure out what matters to her about God and Jesus.  Since she is so independent, this is really healthy.  We will never wonder who makes her spiritual decisions.  It will be Avery.

So tough, independent, smart, athletic, and pretty. 

And her inside is better than her outside.

So thanks God for blessing us with Avery.  She is a joy to us and we are thankful.  So protect her and watch over her.  We look forward to what you are going to do in her and thru her.   


Tuesday, July 13, 2021


Three topics the Church better start talking about...

 Preaching runs in cycles.  Lately the trendy thing to talk about in churches is social injustice.  Jesus speaks up for the poor and oppressed but I think his teaching is more for how individual Christians respond than how to fix America.  Before this, it was felt needs.  Jesus does provide for our needs, so again -- no issue here.

But as I work with churches and talk with Christians, I keep thinking about three things we need to talk about a whole lot more.  You may or may not agree, but here they are.

Jesus.  Every church I know thinks that they talk about Jesus.  But you can hear a lot of preaching that does not mention Jesus.  We believers need to be reminded of his death and resurrection.  We need to see how he lived so we can be follow in his steps.  We need to be inviting others to enter the Jesus way.  I get how easy it is to assume you are talking about Jesus.  And we even wrestle with how to keep the Lord's meal from becoming rote and well... boring.  But Jesus death and resurrection are the cornerstones of our faith.  Baptism and the Lord's supper are rooted in Jesus.  More Jesus preaching and teaching.

Sin.  That is man's biggest problem.  Sin is what led to the mess this world is in.  Sin is what separates us from God.  The problems in our world are sin problems.  Sin is the whole reason Jesus came to earth.  To save sinners.  The cross is because of sin.  Non-beleivers need to hear that Jesus saves sinners.  Christians struggle with forgiveness of the sins in their past.  And sometimes in their presence.  Marriages break up because of sin.  Addictions are a sin issue.  I know that preaching on sin is difficult.  After all, it is an issue we all struggle with and it is hard not to come across as judgemental.  It is not a popular topic in our culture.  It is not feel good.  Unless you talk about Jesus, then actually I think sin/Jesus is a real feel good story.  Warn, encourage, forgive, restore.  All connected to preaching about sin.

Death.  We don't talk about death.  Except at funerals.  We should.  Because people die.  Christians die.  It should not be a shocking tragedy.  It is real and Christians need to have a healthy response to the fact of death.  Sickness, accidents, sin.  They all lead to death.  Old Christians.  Sometimes young Christians.  We have to be prepared.  More of this world is not my home.  More when we all get to heaven.  More of the no more tears or pain.  More of the seeing God face to face.  More getting us ready.

Jesus.  Sin.  Death.

Preach it.

Thursday, July 08, 2021


The second commandment is not greater than the first one

 The greatest command is to love the Lord your God with everything you are.

The second greatest command is to love your neighbor as yourself.

I grew up in a church enviornment where there was a lot of emphasis on what God said and the best/correct/right way to worship Him.  And how to live to please Him.  What to do.  Lots of emphasis on what not to do.  I was sort of assumed you loved God, so the issue was how to live that out.

Looking back, I wish there had been a lot more of the why we live the way we do.  More talk about loving God being the most important thing.  It was easy to lose the why in the what.  Then if not careful, a subtle shift to making the right action and doctrine the center of our focus.

Didn't hear as much about the second command.  To be clear, I sure saw it in practice.  Especially in the home I grew up in.  Helping people,  Treating people like Jesus.  Going the second mile.  Not much about the why, but a whole lot of it in practice.

Now I hear a lot about the second command.  And I hear a lot about what that means in politics.  What it means in a pandemic.  Even how it should inform our theology.  Almost as if it is the greatest command.  I still see the second command practiced a lot by Christians.  

I don't hear as much about loving God.  Again, I think it is there in practice.  Just not hearing it much as the foundation of our faith.  Very abstract.  If not careful, really easy to slip into thinking that the most important thing in our lives is to love people.  Assuming that if you love people, you will surely love God.

Sometimes people even struggle with which one to obey if they come into conflict.  I hear people say "if I have to choose, I will always choose loving people."  Usually, this is in the context of a debate on doctrine.  

If a doctrine appears to be unloving, or if people tell me it is unloving, then choose people over doctrine.

Here is the problem with this discussion.  If you are debating whether God means what He says, it is not doctrine but truth you are deciding whether or not to choose.  And I absolutely do not believe God would ever have His truth about life be unloving to any of His creation.  So if I percieve a conflict, I am not understanding what God said.  Or I do not understand what love really is.  Or I do not know people.

Because God is love.  So if someone tries to put loving God and thus believing what He says in conflict with what it means to love someone...

The choose loving God.  He is not wrong.  He is love.    

But I don't think you have to choose.

It is more a matter of conviction and courage than it is of choice.

So love God with all you have no matter what.

Then love the people around you in the same way you love yourself.  In the way God loves you.  In the way God loves them.

But keep the greatest thing the greatest thing.

Tuesday, July 06, 2021


Four warnings to consider before your next class or sermon

Preachers preach.  Elders are to be teachers.  Scripture talks about the fact that we should all be teachers as we mature.  Parents teach.  We teach non-believers about Jesus.  I love preachers.  I love those that would teach others.  I spend most of my time teaching/talking/preaching about Jesus.

But I also often read the warnings given to teachers.  God is clear about what is expected of teachers and preachers.  I don't think it is to prevent any of us from sharing the word of God.  But it is to remind us of the incredible responsibility we have when teaching.

So here are four of the warnings.  Not suggestions.  Not implied.  Clear warnings.

James 3:1ff.  Teachers are going to be judged more severely.  Teachers not only have to be responsible for how they live, but they are telling others how to live.  That is a grave responsibility.  You cannot afford to be wrong when telling someone what God expects of them.

Revelation 22:18-19.  We have to handle our subject matter with high integrity.  This is a startling warning about adding to or taking away from what God has said.  So be very careful when insisting God meant what He did not say.  And very careful if insisting God did not mean what He did say.  Your salvation is at stake.  Your share of the tree of life and in the holy city.  That is a serious consequence.

Romans 1:32.  There are things that deserve death.  Some know God's decree but insist on continuing to do them.  And approving of those who practice those things.  One of the benefits of teaching is that it helps you sharpen your disciple life.  You cannot teach about things you refuse to do.  You will eventually stop teaching or you will bring your life into harmony with God's word.  Unless you just intend to live with a tongue that says what your heart does not really believe.  But I am struck by the statement about approval.  We teachers and preachers have to be careful about granting approval to things.  We are trusted as teachers of the Word.  Do not lead people into sin by expressed -- or implied -- approval of things God condemns.

Hebrews 13:17.  If you are a leader, or claim to be a leader, of God's people then you are going to give an accounting of your people.  You cannot afford to be wrong on the things that matter.

It sounds scary in some ways, but I think these warnings are to remind us to be careful.  There was a saying that used to be repeated in the fellowship I grew up in:  Speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent.  

We did not always do that very well, but the older I get the more I appreciate that sentiment.  It does seem to fit with the warnings given in Scripture.

So to all of us teaching and preaching, speak the word of God.  

Your soul and the souls of those who listen to you depend on it.  

Thursday, July 01, 2021


Today is Joe Don and Jamie Ridgell's Anniversary

 Today my son Joe Don and his wife Jamie have been married 21 years.  Amazing.  Not that they are still married, but that it has been 21 years.  So here are just a few of the reasons I love them and am proud of the couple they are and the family they have built.

They are deeply committed Jesus followers.  Not just as individuals, but as a couple.  And as a family.  They are very intentional about developing faith in Anna, Andrew, and Austin.  It shows.

They are still in love.  Still hug and kiss.  Much to the dismay of their kids (at least on the surface) and much to the delight of their parents (tho we hide our pleasure).  It is a healthy sign of a good marriage.

They support, inspire, and encourage other marriages.  Spiritual counseling.  Godly advice.  Lots of verbal and emotional help.

They always speak highly of the other one in front of other people.  Never speak anything negative.  Not only is that smart, but it too is a sign of a healthy marriage.   

They get people.  They are loved by many.  One of the joys of being their parent is introducing yourself to someone you do not know and having them say ... "Ridgell?  Are you Joe Don and Jamie's folks?"  Then hearing how great our kids are. 

They can both talk about their faith.  

They are a true power couple in the best way possible.  They are a spiritual power couple.

Their legacy is going to be strong.  Those three kids are good athletes and make really good grades.  They are emotionally healthy and have really strong social and people skills. They are learning those from their parents.  And those three are growing spiritually.  

They are part of a strong, healthy church but they do not depend on the church to raise their kids.  Help them of course.  But Joe Don and Jamie take the responsibility for their kids seriously.

God did a really special thing when he connected these two.

So thanks God.  Keep blessing them and using them.  Give them years and years together.     

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