Thursday, July 29, 2021


It is OK to leave your church if you change

 I have been thinking about this lately.  Sometimes your church is clear about what they believe and about what the mission is.  You may be perfectly in sync and happy there.  Or, you may over time find that you have changed your convictions about what you believe or what you believe the mission is.

It may be that you are in a "conservative" church and your views on Scripture have changed.  Or you have  become convinced that they are not on target for what the mission should be.  You are becoming frustrated and unhappy.  It may be time to move on.  To another church or even to a house church. 

Or you may be in a "liberal" church and as you study the Bible you may decide your fellowship is not lining up with what you believe Scripture teaches.  Or what the mission should be.  You are becoming frustrated and unhappy.  It may be time to move on.  To another church or even to a house church.   

I think it is even the right thing to do to share with your leaders why you can no longer worship there.  And right for them to share why they are not going to change to your viewpoint.

But here is what I am convicted about.  Don't tear up a church.  Hold your convictions.  Share them.  When it becomes obvious that everyone is not going to come around to your way of thinking... I think better to leave than be devisive.

But please make sure that what you are leaving over is really crucial to your faith.  We cannot just walk away every time something does not go the way we think it should.  Your new view of how worship should be may -- or may not -- be a good idea, but is it a core faith principle?

I generally am not a fan in changing churches just because you don't agree with everything.  After all, this is your faith community.  But sometimes the problem is not the community, it is the faith.  And ultimately you answer to God,  not to church leaders.

I would encourage you to listen to your church leaders as to why they are not willing to change.  They are your leaders and it may be that they are right.  But if it becomes a matter of your core convictions...

Leave with grace and love and peace.  My personal conviction is that I still might do life with many believers in that church.  So try not to burn bridges if possible. 

One last plea:  do not use leaving as a bully tactic to get your way.  Not what Jesus would do.  

Be clear about why your convictions have changed so much that you cannot stay there.  Explain it clearly to the leaders.  And to people that ask.  

And if the church is not going to change to your way of thinking then go with peace and grace.

To church leaders:  do not change your conviction to try and keep these members.  Listen to them.  Evaluate their new convictions.  But if you are on what you believe to be solid ground in your beliefs and mission, do not waver.  It will be better for them to leave.  Bless them.  Be clear to them on what you believe.  Love them.  

And let them go. 

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