Tuesday, July 27, 2021


Leaders have to lead

 I see in churches all across our country.  Churches worried about people leaving.  And members do leave.  The town I live in has a few churches that have lost a lot of members.  And a few churches who have gained a lot of members.  Same members.  

Members leaving is scary.  Budget stress.  Building usage.  Church programs.  Even the future of a congregation can be impacted.

But members leave.  So I am asking leaders to lead in a way that makes leaving a healthier situation.  

Here is what I mean.  Lead in a way that is clear.  Decide what God wants and do it.  Stand on Scripture.  Or don't.  But be clear.  Stop reacting to the next crisis.  

Be clear on your view of Scripture.  What does your church believe about the Bible.  

Be clear on the mission.  What is your call to action as a church?

Don't apologize for your convictions.  Don't change just to try and keep the crowd.  Be clear if you do  change.  Be sure it fits with your view of Scripture and mission.  

People may still leave, but it will be because they do not buy in to your view of Scripture or your mission.  That is OK.  Jesus was so clear that some people left because what he said was too hard for them to hear or do.  

Changing to fit culture.  Changing to appease the rich member.  Changing to try and keep the young.  And on and on it goes.  Finding yourself going thru a major change every decade or so to stay relevant and wondering why there is no growth.

Then realizing it is a futile exercise.  You are always reacting.

I talk to a lot of people about Jesus.  I often share stories about those who decide to become disciples.  But I also have a lot I talk to who decide not to. 

Their decision.  Just like members of a church.

So leaders decide who you are as a church.  Be clear.  Let the members do as they will but remember as the leader of God's people you do not answer to the people.  You answer to God.

I happen to think you will grow.  Real Kingdom growth.  Lost people who are seeking.

And yes I am very aware that every church thinks this is exactly what they are doing.  

And yes I know I may -- or may not -- be right in any of my thinking on this.

But this is what I am thinking today.  

Leaders be clear.  

Do not have your members wondering where you stand.  



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