Wednesday, August 17, 2005


High Impact Praise is Back...

Tonight at Southern Hills we start back with HIP, our mid-week praise service. The freshmen are in town and excitement always comes with them. I am always anxious to meet the new freshmen because I can't wait to see what God has brought to Abilene: talent, discipleship, challanges, faith, temptation, and growth.

During the next few years, many of these freshmen will sharpen their faith, others will commit to Jesus, and some will make decisions about ministry and missions. Some will meet their mate, some will make the best friends of their life, and some will even get a degree.

I'll be speaking to many of them this week. I'll share with one group tonight at supper, we'll have a crowd at HIP, and then I speak at the Sunrise Devo in the morning (can't imagine many at that one).

It's a good chance for me to refocus my life too. And like many of you, I need to take advantage of every opportunity to sharpen my focus. I'm glad I'll have the chance.

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