Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I Don't Know and Who Cares...

I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing with a blog. For a technophobe, this is frightning. And I have not a clue about whether this will be seen by anyone but me and God. But I suspect it will be a little like life, you never know who is watching (or in this case, reading).

I do know that life is good for me. God continues to bless me. Just this year I got to perform the wedding ceremony for my Julie and her Bobby. I got to see my first grandchild born to Joe Don and Jamie. Anna Claire is beautiful and sweet and I am overwhelmed. Southern Hill Church of Christ ordained me as one of their Shepherds, and I became the new Director of Ministry for the Herald of Truth. Then to top it off, Julie and Bobby found out they are expecting.

At least Marsha and I are never bored. Sometimes I marvel that God could be so good to me. And I remember every day that I do not deserve any of this. But that's the whole point, isn't it?

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