Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Two of my friends are out of work...

I'm having lunch today with two good friends who are smart, capable, and out of work. They are certainly not old, but they are past the point where this is a little speed bump on the highway of life. And they are deeply spiritual, committed men of faith. And they were both fired by Christians. Ouch! Maybe they had to be let go... financial situations dictate changes. Or maybe they just weren't the right fit. But that does not make it any less painful. Nor does it prevent the inevitable questioning of your self worth.

So what do I say? I love them and I can affirm their value to me personally. But I don't have any job to offer them. I am struck by the fact that both of them are trusting God to heal them, and to provide for them. Isn't that what people of faith do? Smooth sailing is not promised to us as Christians. Rough waters are when we need Jesus.

I hope I don't get my self worth wrapped up in what I do (even if what I get to do all day is ministry). I've made that mistake before. My identity is in Christ. I hurt for my brothers, but I am already stregthened by their faith and reminded of where my own self worth is found.

Take care of all of us God...

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