Monday, October 03, 2005


Yesterday was tough...

The Rangers finished another season out of the playoffs. It's not that it was a shock, it's just that it is so painful. Then the Cowboys managed to lose again. And to top it off, it looks like I am going to be 0-4 in my fantasy football league. I have the third highest point total in the league and can't win a game.

I'm glad all this happened on Sunday. I also got to go to church yesterday. The praise time was good, Phil's sermon was on target, and we had a full university class in the gym. I got to visit with two of my Sheparding Groups (sorry Fraziers and Cookseys), and I always enjoy getting to see caring people in action.

But most of all, it reminded me about what really counts in life. It's not sports, or work, or possessions... it's Jesus. Worshipping with Granny and Grandpa, Julie and Bobby, and lots of our best friends on this earth. It doesn't get any better than this until I die. And then it gets better.

Thanks God for giving me a family (both blood and blood bought) to let me share life with.

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