Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Maybe it's me...

I had another one of those conversations today. You know how they go... you are perfectly clear and they just don't get it. Why is communication so difficult? It is so clear to me, but evidently not so clear to others. Do they not hear me? Do I not communicate as well as I think I do? Maybe I do think everyone can read my mind.

It even happens sometimes when I preach. I know exactly the point that God and the Holy Spirit had me make. And then someone tells me how much they appreciate the main point of my lesson--and it's something I don't even remember talking about. Maybe I need a translator here and not just when I preach overseas.

I probably do that with God. I really have trouble telling Him what I need Him to hear. Sometimes it is because I am so happy, and sometimes because I am so sad. Sometimes my grief, anger, or joy is so great that I really am incoherent.

And with God I do have a translator... the Holy Spirit. Even when I don't know how to pray, the Holy Spirit helps me. Read Romans 8: 26 and 27. But I do know how to say this: Thanks God.

Well said! ;-)
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