Thursday, February 16, 2006


Why don't I just believe...

I have just finished reading in Mark where Jesus talks about the power of prayer. He says to believe we have recieved our requests. I think I am afraid of that passage. All that talk of the power to move mountains into the sea frightens me. All I have to do is ask without doubting. It has taken me a long time to learn to ask, now I have to work on the not doubting. So my question is...why don't I just believe?

Maybe I just don't get it. Am I looking for the hidden hook? Do I somehow think there has to be more to it than just asking in faith?

Perhaps I still think it is tied to my merits. Maybe I am really not good enough for God to just give me what I ask.

Do I think I am asking for the wrong things? Am I being too selfish?

I have learned to ask for healing and I am finally doing it without question. And God has answered my prayers.

I want to ask in other areas without doubting. I want to learn to ask for resourses, both personally and for ministry. Herald of Truth and Southern Hills have great things to do. God will give resources. I have things to do for the Master. God will provide.

I want to ask bold things. I want not to tinge my requests with doubts. I want to pray as if I have already recieved. And God wants me too.

Dream your kingdom dreams and ask God to give you what you need. He will. He said so.

Let's rock this world by the power of Jesus.

So much to think about. I think for me, living in the fallen world, and experiencing it has caused me to doubt. I need to return to the Word, the Truth, and ask will FULL FAITH!

Thanks for your words today...
I, too, was recently struck by words in John about how frequently Jesus says, "WHATEVER you ask, you will get." YIKES! I suppose the first thing I should pray for, then, is Solomon's wisdom!

I think lately my prayer looks more like, "Lord, I KNOW you are going to do great things in this situation -- just don't let me miss it!"
I was thinking about "I believe, help me in my unbelief." That's where we find ourselves so often. Jesus healed this man's son - maybe the confession is part of His plan?
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