Monday, March 27, 2006


Soulforce and ACU

Most of you know about the visit of Soulforce, a pro-homosexual advocacy group, to the ACU campus. Several reactions occur to me.

First of all, I wonder about those who see this as an evangelistic opportunity. If you want to evangelize among practicing homosexuals, there are any number of more effective ways to work in their lives as friends. I am not sure that we can have much real authentic ministry in this context.

Second, why are we seeing this as an innocent visit to exchange ideas? They targeted the ACU campus because they see it as hostile to the gay lifestyle. Of course it is. I would be disappointed if it was not. I think it is naive to believe their intention is to discuss the possible areas of disagreement. They believe we are wrong to oppose the gay lifestyle. They are not here on a friendly visit. I have several brothers and sisters who struggle with this sin. I pray Satan does not use this as an opportunity to confuse them.

However, civility on their visit is not to be confused with acceptance of their position. I regularly meet with a number of friends who live lifes that are not pleasing to God. They know I do not condone the way they chose to live, but we are friends. There are people on campus every day who do not accept Jesus. ACU is an educational institution, not the church.

There is no excuse for violence (physical, mental, or emotional). We are called to treat people as Jesus did.

We do not have to apologize for the truth. Scripture is clear about the issue of homosexuality. I am called to "speak the truth in love". Their issue needs to be with what God said.

Do not accept them as brothers if they maintain that you can live contrary to God's will and be a faithful Christian. We are not much on taking stands these days, but there are stands that need to be taken. And I would feel this way if this was a group promoting having a mistress on the side, or a group that advocated euthenasia or abortion.

Finally, Christians who struggle with this sin need love, forgiveness, grace, and help to defeat the sin in their life and to walk closer to Jesus.

As do we all.

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