Tuesday, September 26, 2006

One of the respondents to our hopeforlife.org evangelistic website recently started a discussion with me about this whole idea of being "good enough" for God. His concern was how to be better. Of course, he is missing the point. Connecting to God is not about being good enough. After all, how good is good enough? And compared to God, I can't be good enough. If we are not careful, this whole being good deal becomes like a giant suck up to God: "I'll try to be really, really good and then you let me into heaven." In fact, that's one of the atheists favorite arguements against Christianity.

My friend is trying to figure out this whole Jesus thing, so I am patient with him. But what about Christians who think they have it figured out but are still stuck in this rut. Understand that I know I am sinner saved by grace. Jesus is good enough for him and me both. And thank God for that. I am good because I want others to see Jesus. And if I am not good, it is not my salvation that is in danger (thanks to grace) ...but it is the missed opportunities that haunt me. Who missed a chance to see Jesus in me? Or who got a distorted picture of Jesus because of me?

I don't try to please God in order to be saved. I try to please God because I am so grateful for what He has done for me. He saved me when I couldn't save myself.

That's when I think I have it figured out. It's about Him, not me.


Someone on an e-mail list was commenting about Cornelius' conversion in Acts 10 being "an exception." Someone else said, "I think when we get to heaven, we're going to learn that we were all exceptions." I liked that.

Good thoughts.
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