Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Instrumental worship...

It seems as if church leaders everywhere in churches of Christ are having the discussion about using instruments as a part of worship (we do this every 125 years or so). Several have asked when I'm going to comment, so let me start with a couple of observations. First, I believe in church autonomy. I believe elders can decide what is best for their flock. Their decision may be right or wrong, but it is their decision. I do not feel qualified to criticize, or applaud, what other congregations do. I have enough to worry about at Southern Hills. I do know that some congregations have incredible influence in our fellowship. We are one of those. However, I want to do what is right for Southern Hills, not try to influence the brotherhood.

I know good Biblical scholars on all sides of this issue. I am appalled at those who accuse instumentalists of abandoning Scripture and truth. You will be hard pressed to make a clear cut, compelling arguement from Scripture that insturmental worship is prohibited in our worship assemblies. I am offended by those who act as if no right thinking Christian would even entertain the idea that we should worship without instruments. If you cannot see both sides of this discussion, then you need to sharpen your study skills. I just cannot believe it is as clear as some on both sides want to make it. It is acceptable to use instuments to praise God in the Old Testament (read Psalms). Instruments are not used in the New Testament church, or if they were they are the only part of worship not even mentioned in passing in the New Testament writings. That is sure odd. And they were not used in worship for centuries. So there you have it... if you cannot clearly understand the truth on this subject then welcome to the club. Yes, I know the argurments can be more complex. It's just that I am a simple guy. Different people and different churches will give different weight to all aspects of this discussion. They will come to different conclusions.

I also believe that your stand on instrumental worship has nothing to do with your spirituality or with your desire to reach the lost. The idea that non-instrumentalists don't want to reach our world, or don't understand worship, or don't really "get it", is absurd and insulting. To assume that those who worship with an instrument don't take worship seriously, or they are just following a trend or a fad, or that they don't care about the feeling of others is just as absurd and insulting.

I'll post more later. Feel free to share your thoughts and comments. After all, I've already made it pretty clear I don't have all the answers. I look forward to your insights.

My thoughts/ comments to my beloved elder: instruments in worship are not a salvation issue. I worship A LOT in my car to Christian radio. However, I LOVE our acapella tradition, and REALLY hope our shepherds commit to keeping that part of our heritage, and hope that our worship leaders continue to do such a fabulous job of making it a tradition worth having.
Wow- you bit into a HUGE issue for today's Church- good for you!

I'm with Sarah with a few additional thoughts to add:

1) The Roman historian, Josephus, makes it clear that the pagans used instruments for everything, and especially in their version of "worship". It could be that the NT church refused to continue in the OT tradition in order to distinguish themselves from the culture around them. Of course, the Jews still use the Ram's horn for their festivals and other traditions so the 1st Century church might have also wanted to be distinct from their kinfolk as well.

2) In ALL things- we worship. Our daily life is made up of countless facets that as a creation of God's, reflects his divine nature. So, if we play in the school/community band are we not still worshipping in that activity if we do so to His glory? Afterall, we don't simply worship within the confines of a building with the word 'church' posted on the outside. I can just as easily worship on a mountain top with the cool breeze blowing in my face and the sun shining down around me. I don't need a closed in space to tell me that I'm worshipping.

Personally, I can't stand bands/instruments as it relates to a true worship service, because like Sarah, I truly value our acappella heritage on so many levels. (The human voice is so much more versatile than any instrument alone.) As a long time instrumentalist this may seem counterintuitive at first glance, but I've been around too many headstrong trumpet players to know that they can't always play in tune with each other- and it wreaks havoc within the ensemble as well as those present. I have to have good harmony!! (Even though our personal best probably makes His ears bleed!) Too, the instruments ALWAYS-ALWAYS-ALWAYS drown out any voices that attempt to join in...which is a shame.

My two cents... -Troy
For me - it doesn't matter. I'm good either way. I grew up acapella and love to sing harmony. I do it when there's a band present,too.

I do wonder what will happen in 20 years. How will I feel when Kenny and Riley want to have a band in corporate worship. I pray that I'm opent to the Lord's leading.
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