Thursday, February 08, 2007


So now what...

So when everything is said and done...what is my position on the instrument? First, it is not a matter of salvation. It is a discussion of how Christians worship, not how to become a Christian. I do not believe it is a matter of fellowship. If it were that critical, God would have made it abundantly clear. I believe in church autonomy so I am not going to criticize what different congregations may choose to do. I believe in submitting to the authority of the elders in matters of spiritual judgement. I am a shepherd at Southern Hills, and I submit to the collective wisdom of our leaders. Our votes may not be unanimous, but our decisions are. So as we discuss this issue, I may or may not agree with the final decision but I will submit to it.

I personally am a non-instrumental believer. That position may very well be colored by my background. I do think the silence of Scripture matters and I do place importance on the New Testament pattern. Early church history factors into my conviction. But I could be wrong. Instrumental worship, women's role in the church, Christians in the military and many other issues are things that are important. Everyone will not agree with me on each of these. But we don't have to agree. Instrumental worship is not gospel and it is not core. It is not of first importance.

I have preached at instrumental services. And I did not feel compelled to preach on worship. There are spiritual men who are outstanding students of the Word who disagree with me. I understand their arguements. I pray each congregation makes a decision that is appropriate and right for their family. I trust we will do that at Southern Hills. I love a cappella singing...but it is not about what I like. In fact, as I grow in Christ I trust I will be much more concerned with honoring God and helping others to honor Him. It is not about me. And I am certain that division, bitterness, and personal attacks do not please Him or honor Him.

So I will keep studying, I will keep singing, I will continue to develop relationships with non-believers and bring them to worship. I will try to help make decisions that enable Southern Hills to honor God and work and worship in harmony. I will pray for sister congregations making decisions about this. I will honor their decision. I will confront those who would be devisive, critical, or unloving.

Most of all, I wish we would be so busy bringing people to Jesus that we would not have time to belabor things like this. Frankly, I have too many calls from Christians who are battling addictions, trying to heal marriages, and fight Satan to take any calls complaining about this. And I have too many people to tell about Jesus to spend my time pacifying those who are worried that we will...or concerned that we haven't.

That's where I am today. What do you think?

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