Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Jesus and Santa...

It came a little later than usual, but I had my first question about kids and Santa (not real) and Jesus (very real). I do think it can be confusing to tell our kids to celebrate the birthday of Jesus and Santa Claus is coming to town. Here is the confusion about the whole Jesus/God experience and the Santa Claus/Xmas holiday.

they both reward good and punish evil

they both know everything about everyone

they can hear everyone and be everywhere

both emphasize giving, not just getting

and then we have to explain that one is real and one is not.

I am not so sure that as faithful parents we should pick one or the other. Emphasize Santa or emphasize Jesus at Christmas time but not both.

At the Ridgell house, we emphasized Santa. But Jesus was a part of our house all the time anyway.

So what do you think?

I, for one, am highly offended that you try to claim that Santa isn't real. At our house, Santa's the real deal. Santa is what makes the world be nice this time of year -- it's the spirit of Christmas.

However, just this morning, I was thinking about -- and look for an article about -- how I have a spirit in me that is 24/7/365 and way better than any Christmas spirit. I can cry out to the Spirit, claim the Spirit, and reflect the Spirit any day of the year -- whether there is a tree in my house, lights on my house, or not.

We claim Santa at my house -- my kids, albeit a little begrudgingly b/c it is SO EMBARRASSING to have a mother that still talks about that! But, like gods and myths of yesteryear, Santa is only a worldly way to explain what happens at this time of year -- people are kinder, people are nicer, people are more generous as they realize and celebrate Jesus' birth. So, I guess one comes from the other. Both are grand at my house.
You might want to watch this video:

Jesus and Santa

Grace and peace,
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