Thursday, October 16, 2008


Vision, part 2

The second part of my vision for the church is that we would be a people who practice discipleship. We have typically not done this well, if at all. New Christians must be disciplined to become more like Jesus. I want Christians to learn to pray, give, study, evangelize, serve, and bear one another's burdens.

We have for too long just assumed that everyone "gets it" in terms of how to live as a Christian. But they don't. New Christians do not automatically know how to be faithful spouses and parents. They are changing life long patterns.

As an elder I am saddened by those in my flock who do not value marriage, have no spiritual discipline, and exhibit no maturity in Christ. But we have not taught these things. And these are issues among Christians who were raised in church, much less our new converts.

I want to be part of a church that shares life with each other. I want to be passionate about reaching the lost but just as passionate about teaching them to grow up to be a mature disciple.

So my vision is to belong to church that shares the good news of Jesus, and helps each one grow up in Christ.

What do you think? Are we a discipling church? Should we be?

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