Wednesday, October 08, 2008



I have been asked several times lately about the vision for Southern Hills. And because I speak often around our fellowship, I get to hear other congregations talk about their vision. Or about trying to cast a vision. We at SH often talk about the Community Front Porch. And we talk about Inviting, Including, and Involving. I think that is the right order. But I have been thinking about what I think my vision is for Southern Hills. And some of this would be my vision for any church anywhere.

So I think over the next several posts I may share my current vision for what I think should be our guiding principles and foundation. I need to be clear that this is not the elder's vision. I am one of seventeen and doubt they would would see me as their spokesman. I am not speaking for the ministerial staff at Southern Hills. I am not on staff at SH. I am not paid by SH and I do not attend any staff meetings.

But this was good for me to think about. It has been good for me to process what I think should be our vision. I may be right or I may be wrong, but maybe it will spur some thought and conversation for you. I invite your questions, comments, feed-back, and opinions. From the Southern Hills members who read this or from others.

So be thinking about your vision for your congregation. I will start sharing mine next week.

I'll be in Jackson, Tn. the rest of the week. Stay faithful.

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