Thursday, January 22, 2009

My grandson Jake has been in the hospital the last couple of days. He had bronchitis, an ear infection, and managed to pick up a stomach bug along the way... all of which resulted in dehydration. Things are looking up today but I realized some good things over the last couple of days in my quest to experience God in the midst of everyday life.

...I would die for Jake. And for Avery, Anna, and Andrew. But as I watched him lying there, I was reminded again of how much I love my family. I feel pain when any of them hurts. God feels the same about each of us. And sent Jesus to die for us. Great love.

... I love my church family. I showed up last night to preach HIP and had 5 or 6 people ask me about Jake. He had only been in the hospital about 7 hours and we hadn't even called the church. How did they know? And what do people do who don't have anyone to share the tough times with?

... I love and appreciate good Doctors. But I still believe God is the healer. Prayer works.

... God is a God of the good times and the bad. He's always there for me. I'm the one who sometimes doesn't show up.

... Faith can be handed down thru the generations. And it must be intentional. It won't happen by osmosis.

...Jake wants to go home. Tears can be wiped away. You can get well. Bad times don't last. Draw your own spiritual lessons.

I am continuing to try to find God, see God, know God in whatever happens in my everyday life. If you find some really neat insights from your everyday life, let me know.

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