Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Going fishing...

I am leaving tomorrow afternoon for El Salto in Mexico. Joe Don and I are doing this as a combo Xmas, anniversary, birthday, etc. from Jamie and Marsha. We love to fish, and spent many hours together on lakes and tanks while he was growing up. I think I am looking forward to being with him more than I am the fishing. Which leads me to a couple of thoughts.

Children growing up is great. I know some talk about how great it was at certain ages and we do have great memories of our kids. But every year it has gotten better and better. They went from kids to adults and now they are friends, confidants, and advisers. Joe Don is smarter and more mature than I even thought about at his age, maybe even than I am now. Very proud.

The great thing about hunting and fishing with your son (or kids if your daughter is turned that way) is not the outdoor experience, tho that's great. It's the hours traveling, camping, waiting. It gives chances for "life talks" to develop. It lets you know each other. BTW, for Julie and Marsha, shopping trips worked much the same way.

Anyway, can't wait. Let you know how it went in about a week.

Take lots of pictures! I loved fishing with my dad growing up! Now I still love to go with him, but that love of fishing has given Frank and I something else to share together.
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