Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Do we really believe the world is lost...

One of the first things we must ask about evangelism is whether we believe people without Jesus are really lost. If there are many roads to God then we have no compelling message. I am convinced Jesus is the only way to God. So it is urgent that I tell people the good news about him. He is not one way, or a way...he is the way. I believe that people without Jesus will spend eternity in hell. So I think Christians have found the only way to God. Not Jews. Or Buddhists. Or Muslems. Those who follow Christ.

We live in a culture that is offended by that position. It is offensive. And it is meant to be. Will we be persecuted if we boldly proclaim the news that there is a hell and people who do not go to the cross with Jesus will spend forever there? Probably. But our world is going to hell. We have the answer to save them. We better share it.

We are not being judgmental. We are not being harsh. We are being true to the only one who can bring us from death to life. It is a critical message. We need to be clear about it. and it takes courage. There are my three sermon points.

But it is hard to be evangelistic if we are not sure everyone needs the message.

So do we still believe the world is lost without Jesus?

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