Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Church Autonomy and Elder Authority...

I worship in a fellowship that has long believed in congregational autonomy -- that is, each congregation is independent and led by it's own elders. I am not saying the premise is inherently wrong but I do have questions that maybe some of you can answer for me.

... if we have autonomous congregations, is it ever appropriate to be concerned with decisions made by elders in other congregations?

...If we are autonomous, what is the basis of fellowship... or brotherhood?

...Am I really only a member of one congregation? For example, I am an elder at Southern Hills in Abilene. But I sorta consider myself a member at Richland Hills in Fort Worth and at the Haskell church of Christ. I worship at both those congregations several times a year and am deeply connected at both.

... What about my "sheep" in other congregations? I am the shepherd for Christians who call me for spiritual counsel and who consider me their elder (in practice if not if theory). I have relationships like this with Christians who worship at Highland, University, Beltway Baptist, and some who are not "members" anywhere. And that's just people I can think of off the top of my head. And it does not count those who live outside of Abilene that I shepherd, including some at Haskell and some at RH. So am I an elder for them?

... What about mission work? Do I really think I can shepherd a flock hundreds, or thousands, of miles away? Can an eldership even oversee a work far away from them?

...Am I still an elder when I leave Abilene? How about when I preach or worship somewhere else? Am I a shepherd for those who visit Southern Hills?

...How did the Jerusalem elders in Acts function? Did each house church have elders? Were there city elders?

Just some of my rambling thoughts. Would love to have some clear answers. Have at it.

Brilliant questions. If all congregations are truly autonomous, what is the role of Herald of Truth? What are the roles of the Colleges and Universities? How do the churches of Christ fund global mission and outreach? How do we fund theological education?
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