Friday, June 26, 2009


Three people died...

Marsha and I drove to Borger yesterday to be with one of my elder buddies, Todd Hooper, while he buried his Dad. I listened to the tributes about Don Hooper. People spoke of his love of family, of his conversion to Christ, of his work with orphans in Children's Homes. Lots of people from the church of Christ at Borger showed up to honor this man and his memory. Lots of talk about living forever. Songs about being with Jesus. Reminders that for a Christian, death here is not the end... but the beginning of life.

And yesterday Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett died. They are more well known than Don Hooper. Most people don't know who Don was. Lots know the other two. I wonder what their funerals will be like. What will be said at their memorial?

I wonder which legacy will make a difference 100 years from now? How about 1000 years from now?

So several things occur to me. One is that we all die. It does not matter how famous, or how much money we have... we all die. Don Hooper has a lasting legacy thru Todd, and thru Todd's children. Don Hooper will be known and loved 1000 years from now. His influence will be felt forever.

So who do I want to be like? I think it's Don Hooper. And you need to know I didn't really know him. Or Michael or Farrah either. Not personally. But I know the fruit of their lives. And I know what I heard about each of them yesterday.

Just made me think about what matters. And what doesn't.

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