Thursday, October 08, 2009


Thoughts on Praising God...

Recap from last night's HIP lesson on praising God.

Praise starts with the realization that there are things I cannot do for myself.

Praise acknowledges that there is someone who can do what I cannot.

So... I cannot live in the presence of a holy God because of my sin. Jesus can fix that. I do not have the power to change my life. God does. God is able to do what I cannot.

The third thing is that we have to declare these truths. I need to praise God and Jesus by telling them that I know my helplessness and that I know of their power as Creator and Savior.

I praise them by telling others of their power. I witness and testify to what God is able to do.

And I praise them publicly. This is done in worship by our singing, our prayers, and in our preaching.

God you are everything we are not. We realize and acknowledge this in the name of Jesus, the one who did what we could not. Amen

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