Friday, November 06, 2009


Elder selection...

We have started the process of elder selection at Southern Hills so I am thinking quite a bit about what makes a good elder. And I am starting to pray about whether I should, or want, to serve again if asked. And some of my fellow elders, and some potential elders, are asking my advice and counsel. So I may share some random thoughts on this over the next several weeks.

I do like the idea that all of our current elders go thru the selection process. It let's current elders have an "opt out" option if they need or want it. It lets the congregation remove men they will not follow. And it forces us to evaluate and recommit to leading this flock. I think that is healthy.

So Marsha and I are doing some examination of our lives, our ministry, and what we believe God is calling us to do with our lives. That's good.

More thoughts later. Reactions always welcome. After all, the best part of my blog are the comments of others. Thanks.

Since when do elders have term limits? Term limits would imply that you have a term in the first place which is probably a stretch. That seems a little strange to me. If he wasn't fit for the job in Jan when the vote happens...he probably wasn't fit for the job back in October. I know churches hate to make a scene, but the day he loses the touch is the day he starts out the door...what if that happens back in June? Keep him for another 6 months so he can exit quietly?
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