Thursday, November 12, 2009


Evangelism Tool...

This week has been a good week at Herald of Truth. Our evangelistic website,, has been reworked and is now online. It has video testimonials, podcasts, study courses, resources, a blog ... all designed to spark interest and response from visitors. Our ultimate goal is to connect our contacts with local communities of believers to help them. Just today I have been working with an 81 year old lady from Canada who is concerned because she has never been baptized. I am also connecting a lady from New York who recently lost her 20 year old son. And I found out one of my referrals in Pennsylvania came to worship last Sunday.

Good week. And for those of you wondering if had anything to do with something as tech savvy as a website. Of course not. Tim Archer, my co-worker, coordinated. Very gifted, gets it, and is motivated to reach our world with the good news of Jesus. My job was to stay out of the way and not screw it up.

Anyway... feel free to take a look and let me know what you think.

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