Tuesday, November 17, 2009


New HoT TV Spots

Herald of Truth has produced 2 thirty second, and 2 sixty second, television public service announcements. They are free to any congregation that wants to use them and you can see them here. Tim Frakes, of Frakes Productions, did a wonderful job of producing these.

There are a couple of things that make these very special for me. The hospital videos use two ladies from our Southern Hills drama ministry, Ann Hurst and Colleen Crawford. They were great. I grew up with Colleen so that's neat. And her Dad, Harold, used to be one of the "voice talents" for Herald of Truth in some of our radio production years ago. That's special.

The Collage spots are taken from our series of testimonial videos at hopeforlife.org. I may share some of the stories and connections behind some of these videos over the next several weeks also.

And by the way, I may not be a Doctor, but I have now played one on TV.

You comments and observations are welcome.

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