Friday, January 22, 2010


Christian politics and mission...

Let me say right up front that I will always vote against legalizing same sex marriage. I will always vote "right to life". I will do that because of my convictions about sin. I believe homosexuality and abortion to be sins. However, I am increasingly perplexed by those who see passing legislation that reflects a Christian viewpoint as fulfilling our mission as God's people.

It is possible I am missing something but I don't think God called me from darkness into light to pass legislation. He called me to reach people. I hear Christians call for money, time, and energy to be invested in legislation. What about the ministry that goes undone because we are focusing on political goals?

What if that time, money, and energy was spent in touching lives? Why are not committing to adoption, counseling, and meaningful help and hope for those who do not see an option other than abortion? How about making friends with those advocating -- or living -- a homosexual lifestyle instead of seeing them of objects of legislation or as the "enemy"?

If we invested our time in making disciples in this world, we would really make a difference concerning homosexuality and abortion. And greed and adultery. And racism and hatred.

And I don't buy the argument that we must help America return to being a Christian nation. That argument is contrary to Scripture. America has never been, is not now, nor will it ever be, a Christian nation. No nation will.

Making a Christian lifestyle legal is fine and good. But that doesn't change lives. It doesn't bring people to Jesus.

But it is easier to legislate than get in people's lives. It is easier to fight a faceless evil than actually engage in someone's life. But what are we truly called to do?

Just my thoughts. Feel free to disagree. Or agree. Comment.

Steve, Thanks for this thoughtful post. Showing Christ to the world is the responsibility of every Christian. I agree that trying to legislate morality out of a misguided attempt to force Christian beliefs on our society is futile. On the other-hand, I have been thinking about a Christian's response to politics for several months. More specifically, I am wondering if there is a form of government that is more conducive to allowing Christ's message of love to be shared to more people.

Does a government that teaches atheism help or hurt the cause of Christ? Does a government which tries to provide for it's citizens everything they need (food, job, healthcare, education etc) from cradle to grave encourage one to love their creator, or the state. I have come to believes that a classically-liberal government with a strong leaning toward in individual freedom and responsibility is more likely to allow people to freely choose Christ. Shouldn't I be using at least some of my time or money to promote such a government? If I don't stand up to defend people's God given rights, then who will?

In the end, Christ will win, but shouldn't we be using the tools we have been given to share His message of redemption?

I'm afraid I have gone off topic, so I'll stop...BTW, it was one of your previous posts, regarding politics that has forced me to consider the question more deeply. Thanks again.
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