Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Sharing the Story seminars...

My overwhelming passion is to reach lost people for Jesus. It is one reason I came to work at Herald of Truth. Over time I have become more and more convinced that the most effective way to share the good news of Jesus is by telling stories. I tell my stories, I tell stories from the Old Testament, I tell stories from the life of Jesus, and from the book of Acts. I tell other people's story. Jesus told stories. Even most of my preaching is telling stories.

Stories are personal, relational, and communal. They are easy to tell. They are non-threatening, but speak to where people live. They work.

So I have developed a seminar on how to share the story of Jesus by telling stories. I am scheduling some thru HoT because churches continue to ask for help in learning how to reach people. And I am scheduling some personally.

There seems to be a renewed interest among the everyday Christian to share their story with friends and family. I love this because we will not reach the world thru professional preachers. It will be because each of us shares our faith with people we connect with.

I really believe the harvest is coming.

If you want info about the seminar... let me hear from you.

Oh... and tell me you story sometime. I would love to hear it.

That is SO cool!!
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