Thursday, April 01, 2010


Ministers and Attending Services...

I was part of an interesting discussion the other day that started with this question: are our ministers required to attend every service? At Southern Hills that involves 2 Sunday AM services, Bible class, Sunday evening assembly, Home gatherings, and Wed. nights. The average member feels like it is expected they will attend one Sunday service, Bible class, Wed. if possible, and be part of a small group.

Minsiters need family time just like the rest of us, so the question was whether we should expect ministers to attend 2 Sunday services, class, and Wed. night plus be in a small group. In essence, the question was why should ministers have to be at 2 Sunday AM services since that was not fair to their families.

So let me share some of my thoughts and I would love to hear some of yours.

In our situation, the two morning assemblies have about the same attendance and most people regularly attend "their" service. So if a minister attends only one, they will clearly only know one half of our congregation. If a minister regularly attends only one of these, it is difficult to know and "minister" to the whole congregation.

We give our ministers Fridays off to compensate for working on Sundays. If you only attend the same as our members, what is the "comp" day for?

If working Sundays is a problem, find another line of work. That is true in many professions. If you want Friday nights off, don't be a high school football coach. If you want Saturdays off, don't go into retail sales. If you want Sundays off, don't go into ministry.

So I was a little surprised to realize that I do think our ministers should be "working" at both assemblies, class, Wed., and when their small group meets.

And before you ask, I have no idea if all of our staff attends all of these. I know some do, I suspect some don't, but I haven't "taken role".

On a related note, what should the elders do about this? Personally, I am a regular Daybreak (early service) attender. I really like the way we do Refresh, but all our family go to Daybreak and I really like worshipping together. So I try to go by the first part of Refresh and "meet and greet". And periodically, I stay for Refresh (second service).

Well, just my thoughts. I would love to hear yours.

I would definitely be inclined to agree with you....paid ministry staff would be at every service. I wouldn't necessarily expect the same from admin staff.

I would also expect almost the same of the elders. About the only thing I'd change is that I wouldn't necessarily expect my elders to be at both AM services, but would regularly expect to see them at the other services.
What is exactly would be the point of hearing the same sermon twice? Should they be in building? Sure why not? I would always be around but sitting and listening twice, that's punishment! Also, the design of the church in leadership is for shepherds to lead. So, if a shepherd refuses to go to the first or second what does that say? Finally, I do about half of my normal work on Sunday. Most of good ministry comes in the week. If you have an admin minister missing 2nd service well it isn't like he or she is being lazy, they work more on Monday. As a preacher there is no reason to miss and I would imagine yours makes a whole more than me!
I hear and understand Anon's point. However, as a parent, it just makes me a little sad that the ministers that minister to our family: connecting, youth, etc., are not at the service our family attends to worship with our family.

It's PUNISHMENT to hear a sermon twice? So what are we communicating to praise team members and sound booth staff- VOLUNTEERS- who must endure? That it's okay for them, but paid staff are exempt? I don't buy that.

Our ministers do minister many more days of the week than Sunday and many more hours than 8-5-- as do countless unpaid leaders and "lay-ministers" in our congregation. I realize a Friday day off may not be great family time for those with working spouses and family, just as my day off was not great family time when my husband's work schedule included Saturdays. Ministers showing up at "my service" isn't a cross I will choose to die on, but it blesses me immensely when my children and I have the opportunity to worship alongside them.
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