Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Physical fitness and Jesus

Our culture puts a great deal of emphasis on the physical. We are a body obsessed culture. Sex appeal sells. Eat right and exercise so you can look good. Get surgical enhancements where needed to maintain a certain image. Look younger. Beat the age clock. You will feel better and look better. It will help your career. You will be more socially acceptable.

I am not sure I completly agree with the Christian response I usually hear. We generally tend to have only a negative response. That is, we explain why culture is wrong. And I do agree that our culture's obsession with looks is not Christian. Our beauty is inward, not outward. God made us like we are and Christians should not buy in to what the world's standards of beauty and acceptance. We need to comfortable with our bodies and our years.

Even with this, we stop short of the confronting the sin of out of shape Christians. I believe it is a spiritual discipline to be healthy. One reason is that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. But I also believe God has work for us to do in this world. If I am out of shape and shortening my productive years in this world, I am not being as effective for Jesus as I can. Jesus has people for us to see and things for us to do for the kingdom.

So as a spiritual discipline... eat right, get rest, get in shape. Not to impress the world, but to have energy to be God's hands and feet in this world.

So... your thoughts?

I recently heard a very wise person say, "Our churches would never in a million years send a missionary out on a 50 year old plane with no safety equipment, half a tank of fuel, that we aren't sure can fly to its destination, but we send people into the world every day physically ill-equipped to do what God has called them to do."

I find that when my physical discipline of regular exercise and fueling my body right is in place, I feel better and am better able to do God's will -- just as my spiritual discipline of staying in His word and in prayer allows me to hear what His will is.

The Lord gifted me with a healthy body and mind -- it is my joy to honor Him by being a good steward of that gift.
Why do the two (christian, and external beauty) have to be separate? You can be both.
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