Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Plane rides and preachers...

I flew in from Dallas yesterday with Larry Henderson and Mike Cope, and I had four very distinct thoughts.

First, I thought if Satan really wanted to hurt the spread of God's kingdom he should take this plane down.

Second, I am really safe because God is using those men in powerful ways to advance the kingdom so God is protecting us.

Third, if the plane does go down, at least we all would go out returning from trips where we talked about Jesus and helped others do the same. Neat legacy.

God would certainly raise up other men to take our place. None of us are indespensible.

And in some way, I really liked that. So, as always, I asked God to watch over my travel, though I did remind him of the great work Mike and Larry each do. :)

And so I just relaxed and left the whole trip in God's hands.

That's a good way to travel thru all of life.

Hey Steve Dan Hawthorne here. I met you a Jenna Messer/Robinettes wedding. I brought you up in buisness metting and will probably be contacting you about speaking next spring. Hope you trip goes well. May God be with you.
Hey Daniel,

I do remember you. Would love to be with you guys next year. In fact, I am working on next year's schedule now.

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