Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Drawing lines over baptism

I have been in a number of discussions recently over the subject of baptism and fellowship. Often it is phrased as " can you say someone is going to hell just because they are not baptized"?. Or "why is your business who's in or out?" Or, "why draw lines when Jesus didn't?"

First of all, I don't say people who are not baptized are going to hell. That is God's business. But at the same time, don't ask me to say someone not baptized is going to heaven -- which is what I would be saying if I extend fellowship to them. That would be going against what I believe God says. I hope God saves everyone who believes in Jesus, baptized or not. But I am not arrogant enough to encourage people to not worry about something that I believe is clearly taught in Scripture. I would be violating my conscience to ignore what I believe God says. And I would be a hypocrite to ignore what I believe in order to please men.

I am not deciding who is "in or out". I just want to be faithful to God and what He says to do to express my faith in His Son. Since I am a shepherd of a congregation of God's people I do have the responsibility, along with my fellow shepherds, to have core convictions for those wanting to be part of God's family. If you don't agree with baptism, there are fellowships that would accept you. You have to do what you believe God wants, as do I. If I am wrong, I'll see you in heaven. If I'm right, I pray God will extend mercy to those who listened to men instead of Him.

And Jesus would wonder why we are drawing lines over baptism when he did not. I think he would wonder why anyone would not be baptized. The line is not drawn because we are baptized. It is being drawn when we are not.

So yes, I believe it is essential that you express your faith in Jesus by being crucified with him in baptism and being raised to a new life. Even writing this reminds me of how incredible is God's grace. I die. I live forever. Wow. My sin nailed to the cross. My Lord nailed to the cross. And then me with him. That's it. It is amazing grace. Thanks God.

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