Tuesday, December 21, 2010


What about Phoebe?

When people bring up Phoebe in the discussion about women deacons I am reminded how much we love proof texts -- even while claiming we do not. And I also am reminded that we love to explain verses based on what we already believe.

Phoebe is referred to as a servant, or as a deacon. The question is whether this described her position or her life. If you believe there are women deacons, this is the best you will get in terms of a proof text. If you do not, you will think that people twist this verse to prove a point.

Most translations say "servant". She clearly is an important person in Christian ministry. She may even be carrying this letter to the church in Rome. So was she a deaconess in the sense of a recognized and appointed servant?

If you just use this passage, of course you could make that arguement. If you read I Timothy 3, it is harder to make that arguement. Phoebe would be the only clear reference to female deacons in the New Testament. If it were important, I wish God had made it clearer.

But it is sure hard to read this verse and argue that women have no role in the church as ministers or those with recognized functions. In fact, read in I Timothy 5. There are "official" widows with recognized tasks.

Personally, I lean to the position that Phoebe was not a recognized deaconess, but I do believe she was doing some form of ministry in the church at Cenchrea.

More later.

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