Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Happy anniversary Julie and Bobby

So our daughter Julie and her husband Bobby hit their 7 year anniversary yesterday. It got me thinking about what I have learned about God by watching their marriage. So here it is.

Waiting on God is worth it. I always wondered if Julie would get married her freshman year in college. Since she was a little girl she has wanted to be a wife and mother. She and Bobby were older than either of them thought they would be when they married. The wait was worth it.

God's plans are good. He used Julie to help Bobby find Jesus and Bobby is a good husband and Dad and he takes seriously the job of leading his family spiritually. Just like God intended.

God answers prayer. They wanted children quickly. They didn't get pregnant on the honeymoon. It took about three more weeks for Jake. And then Avery 1 and 1/2 years later. They asked. He answered.

God has blessed them with each other. He blessed them with Jake and Avery. He gave them a great house at a great price. He has given them good Christian friends. He has given them a great church home.

Their house is a place where you can find Jesus. They have helped many of their friends to do that. They are committed to their home being a place where Jake and Avery's friends are welcome. They use their house lots for fellowship, service, and sharing Jesus. And yes, Julie came by that honestly. She got it from her Mom.

So Julie and Bobby, thanks for letting me see God work in your lives and in your marriage. I can't wait to see what God does over the years with you. He will bless you. And you will honor him.

And for those counting: My folks, Marsha's folks, us, JD and Jamie, and Julie and Bobby = 185 years of living testimony to the grace of God.

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