Thursday, May 24, 2012


My wife did something for God that I couldn't...

It was clearly a spiritual moment, a holy moment.  I have witnessed at the birth of my children and with my grandchildren.  I have watched three women hold the babies they have given birth to and see them cry with the joy of the Lord.  I have heard them describe the experience with awe and wonder as they thank God for the incredible gift of giving birth.

I cried too.  Two times it was my child and I was there.  The other times I was there shortly after the birth of my grandkids.  But it wasn't the same.  I didn't experience in the same way.  I had not carried life for nine months.  I did not give birth to new life. 

And I never will.  God did not set it up that way.  Men and women function differently.

I don't remember thinking it was unfair.  I don't remember feeling cheated.  I didn't consider myself to be spiritually inferior.  I just thought God set it up differently.  In Christ -- and that is where my family is located -- there is neither male nor female.  

But we sure function differently.  I think single women are the spiritual equals of married women, but they don't bear children.  Some women cannot have children, but that does not make them inferior spritually.  But it does change how they function in the kingdom of God.

Fathers and mothers are spiritual equals.  They just function differently.

I think the coments have been interesting, but like so many passages in the Bible, they can be discussed to death.

Traditionally women have played minor roles in the church of christ, and I can't see that changing. Widows have been around forever so why were they not addressed before?

Vs. 23 same chapter talks about the virtues of wine, but how many members of your congergation go to the liquor store and buy wine?

The question to me is how much of the Bible do you follow, and why?
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