Tuesday, May 08, 2012


Neither male nor female, but one in Christ...

You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.  There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for youare all one in Christ Jesus.  (Galatians 3:26-28)

This is a great passage.  I have always loved the inclusiveness of the family of God.  All of us baptized into Christ have put Christ on and we are one in Christ.  What a great statement of spiritual equality to those who some in the world might see as second class citizens. 

A Greek Christian does not require a Jewish advocate to know Jesus.  The slave does not need the intervention of his master to experience Christ.  And a woman does not need a man to experience Jesus.  We are all equal at the cross.  All lost sinners.  Same blood of Jesus shed for each of us.  Same baptism.  Now sharing the same Holy Spirit.  One in Christ.  No spritual advantage by race, economic status, or sex.

In fact, in Chirst we do not see the differences the world sees.  The church cannot be racially divided.  Shame on churches that show racial prejudice.  Or economic prejudice.  The poor person is the same as the rich person in Christ.  Neither male or female is spiritually superior based on gender. 

This is one of the great counter cultural messages the church speaks into society.  No prejudice here!  Our culture may be unfair and prejudicial because of race, economic status, or gender.  We are different in the kingdom of God.

But does this passage mean more than this?  Thoughts on spiritual equality and functional equality next time.

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