Monday, November 26, 2012


If you want to see Jesus, it's her not me

If you want to hear about Jesus, I'm your guy.  Not because I am super spiritual or even because I am closer to him than anyone else.  I'm not. But  I do love Jesus with everything I have, and I have a gift to talk about him.  I can preach him, teach him, or tell his stories over coffee.  And I do.

But if you want to really see Jesus, then Marsha is who you want.  She has modeled faithfulness and forgiveness in our marriage and that is great.  But this past week or so I have really been struck by how faithful she is in the life of our family.

She takes care of her folks.  They are getting older, don't drive, and need help.  She takes them to all their Dr. appointments, shops for them, and goes by just to visit.  That's Jesus.

Her sister is facing probable back surgery.  She lives alone, tho right next door to her folks.  Marsha takes her to the Dr., picks up her medicine, and checks in on her.  Jesus.

She takes care of my folks just like they were hers.  Calls every day.  Makes sure we go to check on them.  Helps my Mom research and know how to deal with Dad's dementia.  Jesus.

And today she is with our daughter Julie at Scott and White.  Julie has some serious health issues and we can't seem to get it diagnosed.  So we are trying Scott and White.  Julie's husband Bobby is taking care of the kids and saving his time off in case of hospital stays or surgery.  So Marsha is taking care of Julie.  Jesus.

She is the emotional rock of our family and our strength.  She won't teach Bible class much above 1st grade level.  She turns down requests to speak at Ladies Day events.  She doesn't want to do couple retreats.

But I think she speaks Jesus into this world better than I do.  I talk it, she lives it.  And actually, that makes us a pretty good team.  Because she helps me live. it.

So pray for our folks and her sister.

Please pray for our Julie.

And pray for Marsha today.  She never asks for anything.  Never lets anybody do for her.  But today, she needs God's strength so she can be his hands and feet in our family.

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