Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Thanksgiving reminders...

I really do love Thanksgiving, but I have to remember that some of the things I love also carry the potential for great ministry.  And there are things that I need to remember in the midst of the Holiday season.

So hear are some of my reminders for Thanksgiving.

I love the eating.  And no, I don't think it is unchristian to really enjoy the meals.  But I need to remember there are hungry people in this world, including some around me.  So take some groceries to the church pantry, invite someone to share one of the meals, or work in a food line this year.

I love being with family.  But some people have lost family members this year.  Send a card, or an invitation to eat, or say a kind word of remembrance.  Say a special prayer.  And some people do not have fun families.  Or any family.  Set an extra chair.  Say another prayer.  Have a second meal where you invite the lonely, hurting people.

I like the football games.  But remember, it's just a game.  Nothing eternal is going to happen because of who wins.  So enjoy, but remember it is a game.  And it is really, really possible that God does not care who wins.  He may care that he is honored tho.

Our guys like to hunt.  Enjoy nature.  remember who created it.  Be humane.  If you can't eat it, or give it to someone who can, why kill it?

Our girls like to shop.  Thank God for the resources that let you buy things.  Buy a few gifts that matter:  Bibles, books, donations in someone's name.  Buy an extra gift or two for the family and kids that can't.

Love the going around the table for the old, "what are you thankful for?"  Mean it when it's your turn.  Remember that some people are having a hard time being thankful.  Some of the things you are thankful for are areas of concern for some people.  Say an extra prayer.

And for every good thing that happens next week, thank God.  He really is the source of every good thing.

So I really do love the holidays.  Love Thanksgiving right thru Christmas.  But these are some of the things I want to remember next week.

Happy Thanksgiving.  And thanks God.

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