Monday, December 10, 2012


Happy birthday Grandpa

Don Herttenberger turned 85 today.  Grandpa is my father-in-law and I get to spend a lot of time with him.  I do their yard and 2 or so times a month I get to take him up to the family farm for the day.  He farmed it himself for a number of years and now he leases it out but we like to go up and see what's going on, work some around the place, and sit on the back porch.  He doesn't work much any more.  His knees hurt, his eyes are going bad, and he needs a walker to get around.  I enjoy those days and I love him like he was my on Dad.  Here is why.

My on Dad is suffering from Alzheimers so we really can't talk anymore.  So Grandpa has filled that gap for me.  He is the one I talk about church problems with.  He gives me advice, he listens, and he has been around a long time.  He loves God, Jesus, and the church.  He is generous and forgiving.  

He is a great prayer.  When things are tough, I ask him to pray.  He does.  God listens.

He always tells me everything is going to be OK.  He is not blind to problems, and some of the things that drive me nuts at church are the same things that drive him nuts.  But he always reminds me that God is bigger than anything and that everything will be alright.

I am an elder because of him.  For years, he was the Southern Hills greeter.  He knew everyone and everyone knew him.  I got the benefit of that  He never would serve as an elder so I became the family elder.  

Some of our folks at Southern Hills still get confused and think I am Don's son and that is the family connection, not Marsha.  You would think the names would give it away and when people think a minute, they realize that.  But I am amazed how many people think that.  Some even say we look alike.  And boy, is one of us offended.  Just not sure which.

But when they think I am his son, I think that is about a high a compliment as I can get.

He married Granny.  Genius.  Converted her too.  

He gave me Marsha.  Not sure he wanted to, but he did.  It's made all the difference for me.

So Grandpa, I love you.  You have been a true father to me.  Thanks.

And God I speak for lots of your people when I say thanks for Don Herttenberger.  He makes a difference in this world. 

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