Monday, March 11, 2013


Happy anniversary Mom and Dad

64 years today.

Wow.  I love them for their example of loving God and each other for all these years.

How have they made?  I know it has not always been easy.  After all, they had to raise me.  But I know that life is hard.  They survived tough economic times, job loss, sickness, watching kid's fight for their faith, and now my Dad's Alzheimers.

So here are a few of the things I think of when I give thanks for my Mom and Dad on their anniversary today.  And these are some of the reasons they made it 64 years (well, besides the fact that they married young and have lived a long time).

Church.  It was always a big deal.  They taught Bible class.  Dad was a deacon and an elder.  It was important because they loved being part of a community of faith.

Don't complain.  As hard as some things had to be for them, I never heard them complain.  They just kept the faith and kept putting one foot ahead of the other.

Do for each other.  I remember my Mom's folks living with Mom and Dad.  My Mom has said many times how much she appreciated Dad for taking them in and taking care of them.  So my Mom moved to the farm with Dad after they retired.  It was always his dream.  She lived it with him.  Now she takes care of him with Alzheimers.

Put others first.  Bible studies.  1000's of meals cooked for others.  People carried to the Dr., to church, and to the store.  Checking on people.

Prayer.  I think the thing I love so much about my folks now is that they have been such faithful prayer warriors for my kids.  They prayed for their spiritual development when they were growing up, they prayed for any injury and sickness, and now they pray intently for their great-grandkids.  Not sure how much my Dad can process it any more, but Mom just keeps on covering her family in prayer.

So I honor my parents today.  I love them for their example of faith and sacrifice.

And for those of you who know I count these things:  189 years of living marriages between both of our folks, us, and the kids.

Only with God's help.

So thanks God.    

Please call Cathy herttenberger ASAP, THANK YOU.
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