Thursday, March 28, 2013


Lane Herrtenberger went home...

I was on my way to Cuba when Marsha called me.  Her cousin Lane had been killed in an auto accident.  Lane and his wife Cathy were not just family, but friends also.  We are all about the same age.  In fact, Marsha and Cathy share a birthday.  We live in the same town so we spent a lot of time together at family events.

Almost immediately after I hung up from Marsha, Cathy called to see if I had heard.  Friends were driving her from work to the house.  We had just a few minutes to cry, pray, and mourn together.  And then it was off to Cuba.  I wrestled for a long time whether or not to abort the trip and try to get back home.  Not as easy to do with this trip as with some others. I would have had the honor of doing the funeral.   But both Marsha and Cathy said something that stuck with me.  In different ways, they both said Lane would rather I be preaching in Cuba and encouraging churches there than preaching his funeral.  I know Lane.  That's true.

But here a few things I would have said.

Lane sure loved life.  But he was a faithful Christian.  He loves the life he is living now more than the one here.

Lane loved his family.  That is the only bittersweet issue in his death.  We miss him.  Cathy misses him.  His two daughters and his son-in-law miss him.  His soon to be born granddaughter will miss him.  And he did know it was going to be a girl.  Found out the night before he died.  His Mom misses him.  But we are all believers so we don't grieve like those who have no hope.  As Cathy said, what do those people do who do not know Jesus.

Lane loved his church.  Thanks to University church in Abilene for surrounding the Herttenbergers with love.

Lane is with his Dad, Malcolm.  I did Malcolm's funeral just over one year ago.  Lane led singing at it.  Beautiful.  Now they are together.  Hanging out in heaven with Jesus.  The rest of us will be along shortly.

Lane was also on me to fish with him.  He loved that I fished for men.  He worried that I didn't relax enough. His goal this spring was to make me take some time to fish for fish.

But you never know what the future holds.  We just know who holds it.

So Lane, I'll wet a hook for you this spring.  Probably every time I fish the rest of this life I'll think of you.  But more importantly, I'll keep fishing for men.

And I'll watch out for your girls.  We all will.

So hug Malcolm for me.  Laugh lots.  I'll see you soon.

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