Tuesday, May 07, 2013


I love my mother-in-law

I have to think before I call her my mother-in-law because Granny is more like my other Mom.  Last Saturday we celebrated her 85th birthday and here are just a few of the reasons I love her.

She gave me Marsha and that has made all the difference in my life.  But more than that, she taught Marsha to love her family, to cook, to be faithful Christian, and to be a good wife and mother.  And I get the benefit of all that.

Granny, Marsha, Julie (our daughter), and Avery (Julie's daughter) have this really cool 4 generation thing going.  Marsha and her Mom are really, really close.  So are Julie and Marsha. And Avery and her Mommy.  But so are Julie and Granny.  And Avery and Mimi.  And even Granny and Avery.  Really, really special.

Granny doesn't complain.  She just doesn't.  Not about her pain, which is incredible most days.  Not about her health status, which is not good.  At some point she is going to have kidney failure.  She knows this and accepts it.  Loves her time here.  Ready to go home when God calls her.

She reads to Grandpa.  He can't see too well anymore so she reads to him.  Reads the Bible to him.  Reads all my books to him.  Reads the sports pages to him.  That's love.

Treats me like I am her son.  I don't mean just nice and sweet to mt.  I mean she really loves me just like I was hers.

And I am.

So happy birthday Granny.  I don't know how many more you get in this life, but I am thankful for every one we get to celebrate.

Thank you God for Granny.  She helps us see you.

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