Tuesday, September 03, 2013


Why Matt and Tish Harris are two of my spiritual heroes...

I have been thinking about heroes lately.  You know, the kind of people that I want my grandkids to know about... the kind of people I want them to be.  So I thought from time to time I would take time to share some heroes I know.

Matt and Tish Harris are two of my spiritual heroes.  

As a young married couple they were very involved in church.  They sang on the Praise team, were involved in a house church, and active in a number of other ministries.  But that is not why they are heroes.

Matt grew up in Australia and they felt a call from God to do kingdom work in that country.  But that is not what makes them heroes to me.

They formed a mission team, made plans, and started raising support.  And that is still not the reason they are my heroes.

Their team fell apart.  The other members decided for various reasons not to go to Australia.  Matt and Tish had a hard time raising support.  They raised travel money but not ongoing personal support.  Satan seemed to be putting up one obstacle after another to keep them from going where they were sure God had called them.

Well, that doesn't seem so heroic.

But this does.  They went anyway.  Found jobs.  Doing ministry.  Sharing Jesus.

And that is why they are heroes.

They heard the call of God and they followed.  It wasn't easy.  It wasn't the way they thought it would happen.  It wasn't the way they planned it.  

But they followed God.  

And I think that is heroic.  They won't be famous missionaries.  But I suspect when the roll call of great missionaries is called in heaven, they will be listed.

I am all for supported, planned, and strategic mission work.

I am more for radical followers of Jesus who go where God calls... no matter what.

So thanks Matt and Tish for being two of my heroes.  You inspire me -- and others -- to follow the call of God.

God... take care of them and their family.  Bless them and open doors for them to expand your kingdom in Australia.

And I'll keep sharing the story of two of my heroes.

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