Thursday, November 14, 2013


Why I will not leave Jesus...ever.

Let me quickly point out that this is not a theological treatise about Christian apologetics.

I just sat down and thought about why I stay a Christian, a follower of Jesus.  And why I will forever.

Jesus is the only way to God.

Jesus is the way to live forever.  And to be with my family forever.

Jesus makes sense in a messy world.  The idea of a fallen world where Satan is at war with God explains so much about the world I live in.  The fact that Jesus came to earth to restore us to a holy relationship to God inspires me.  I like knowing that when I cannot control things myself -- well, it just gives me hope to know that someone bigger and better than I am is in charge.

Being a Christian means I have a purpose.  Every day.  My reason for being is to share my Jesus with my world.  It determines how I live, how I think, how I treat people, and what I do.

Christianity is the only place I know where a guy like me can have worth and value.

I like it that I am good enough even though I am not good enough.  Because of Jesus.

I like that my identity can be found in Jesus.  And that means my identity does not have to found in what I do, what I have, or how I look.

I love making a difference in the lives of people.  Forever.

I am a vital part of something bigger than myself.  

I really am happy every day.  Even on the bad days, the dark days, and the days that bring pain and tears. Because I know -- I know -- that my Redeemer lives and one day I will live with him forever.  And God himself will wipe away all tears.  There will be no more pain, sorrow, or sin.

My faith is the greatest treasure my parents gave me.

It is the greatest thing I ever gave to my kids.

It is the only treasure that I must see my grand-kids receive.

Faith in Jesus.

So I am a Christian.

Not perfect, but forgiven.

Not lovable, but loved anyway.

Not dead, but alive.

So these are just a few of the reasons why I will never leave Jesus.

Not now.  Not ever.

Not even when I face death.  Because then it only gets better.


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