Thursday, January 09, 2014


Happy birthday Jake

Today my grandson Jake turns 8.  So here are a few of the reasons I love him and am so proud of him.

He loves God, Jesus, and church.  He wants to go to church, to Bible class.  He likes going early and talking to people.  I love hearing him sing praise songs.  He leads prayers at lots of our meals together.  He gives his money away for Kingdom stuff already.

Jake is a really big kid.  I mean he looks like he's 10.  He is bigger in second grade than I was in 7th grade.  But what I like about Jake is that his heart is just as big.  He loves everybody.

He is very protective of his little sister Avery.  He says it is his responsibility to watch out for her.  This may be real interesting in a few years.  I pity the young man that does not treat her right.

He stands up for people that are being picked on.  He doesn't let people get pushed around.

He loves the outdoors.  Likes playing outside, fishing with Pops, roaming the fields and woods.  He would live outside if he could.

And my heart gets full when I look at Jake because he was so sick last summer.  Kawasaki disease.  Potentially life threatening.  Seems to be OK now, but I still remember him asking about dying.

He loves baseball.Makes Pops happy.

Loves dogs.  And dogs love him.

He is a happy kid.  All my grands are, but Jake really loves life.

So Jake ... keep loving God.  He has incredible plans for you.

Keep putting other people before yourself.  That is what Jesus did.

Thank you God for Jake.  He helps me see you more clearly.

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