Thursday, January 16, 2014
Let your preacher quit if he wants to...
I talk to a lot of ministers who think about quitting. And some who do. I hear their concern, sometimes their guilt, and even their fear. So for what it is worth, here are some reminders for ministers who are thinking about quitting.
Leaving full-time ministry is not the same as leaving ministry. Most preachers who quit are still active in ministry. They just don't get paid. They are like the members they used to serve. Most of them still teach Bible class, go on mission trips, end up as elders and deacons.
Your identity is in Jesus and not in your ministry. He does not love you any less -- or any more -- based on whether you stay in ministry or not.
Do what is best for your family. That may mean taking a secular job that lets you be closer to extended family. Or it may mean taking a job that pays more. Nothing wrong with that. Just be a good steward. Husband and Daddy are way bigger responsibilities than Minister.
Do what is best for your family spiritually. If you need to spend more nights and weekends with your family, then get out of ministry. (But you probably ought to stay out of retail sales and coaching. Not any better.) It may just be that you want the stability of raising your family in one place. Hard to guarantee that as a preacher.
Quit if you're tired of it. Not tired of Jesus. Not tired of serving the Lord. Not tired of telling others about Jesus. But tired of the career in ministry. People change careers all the time. You can too. Just don't stay and start "mailing it in." You have too much integrity to cheat people that way.
Remember the church will survive with or without you as their minister. They did OK before you came and they will after you resign. None of us are indispensable.
And don't feel guilty. God called you to follow him. Don't confuse being a disciple with being a minister.
So if you love Jesus, love ministry, and can't wait to get up and at it every day... then good for you. Stay with it.
If you need to quit, or want to quit... then do. Your members change jobs, and careers, all the time.
Just don't quit on Jesus. And who knows, you may even find more opportunities to do Kingdom work outside of full-time ministry. You may even go back to it someday.
Just know that whatever you decide, God loves you. And so does your church family.