Friday, January 03, 2014


Why I have not posted yet about Phil Robertson

It seems like everyone has written an opinion about what Phil Robertson said in his recent interview.  And they did it quickly.  I have not.  At least not until today.

I don't know Phil.  Haven't even met him.  What I know about Phil is based on a TV show and a few interviews I have read.  We both like to hunt and fish, we are both elders in a church of Christ, and we are both in the 4th quarter of our lives.

I am not famous.  But I make my living by speaking and writing.  So I have a lot of words that go out in a lot of places.  Sometimes I cringe at what I say.  I say things poorly sometimes.  I have people that judge me by what I say.  That make an assessment of my heart and my character based on a very small sample of my life and words.

Sometimes people attribute motives to me that are just not true.  And I am greatly offended.  Until I read or listen to what I wrote and realize that ... yeah, I can see how they might have taken that the wrong way.

Even more to the point, what I say and write is about Jesus.  So it is a big deal.

And I have to admit that sometimes I get testy.  Or I feel like I am unfairly attacked.  Or I get mad because people talk about me instead of to me.  

So I have some sympathy for Phil.  I appreciate what he and his family have done to make people aware of Jesus and what a family of believers look like.  I think he is making a forever difference.

Could he say things better?  Couldn't we all.

Oh yeah... a couple of other things.

I don't think the first amendment has anything to do with Christianity.  Nor do I believe America is a Christian nation.  So we are going to be at odds with our culture.  Christians always are.

I do think some things are sin.  Sex outside of marriage is sin.  Any sex.

And I think this whole thing has hurt our reputation among non-Christians. After all, who wants to be part of a group that can be so harsh to one of its own?  And some Christians were brutal about Phil.

So Phil hasn't asked for my help or my opinion.  But I have prayed for him.  And for his family.  It is tough to speak for Jesus.  With your life or your words.

But all of us Christians know that.  I pray that today we will all handle our "witness opportunities" with grace and wisdom.  With gentleness and respect.

Let's encourage each other.  And let's quit being so critical of each other.  The world and Satan will take care of that part.

Be strong brother Phil.  We're all in this together.

Good job, Steve. Well said.
While I agree with Phil, I think that we have to be careful how and when we speak the truth of what Bible says. When confronted with the woman "caught" in the act of adultery, He didn't condemn her. He told her to go and sin no more.

Our job as Christians is to bring people to Jesus, not to condemn. People need to be aware that they are sinners so that they know that they need Jesus. I think that truth needs to come out in the context of studying the Word with them. It is the work of The Lord to convince them of their sin, and the need to accept the leadership of Jesus and be baptized. We have caused to many to run from The Lord by being confrontational.
Anytime you state or speak your feelings about any issue, there will always be some type backlash, positive and negative, that is expected.

While reading your blog, I thought about Phil Robertson, and Joel Olesteen, both men are very vocal in their belief's,very well known, and speak publicly about them. The question to me is who (in this case) would I want to listen to, as he speaks about God, and why?

When the news broke about Phil Robertson, to me he came across as unforgiving, somewhat militant in his views, I did not know what religion he professed, I just knew he was someone I would not want to listen to based on his demeanour.

In the case of Joel and Phil,I know there are doctrine differences between the two men, so I question will doctrine differences determine my eternal future, or will my work outside of my doctrine beliefs here on earth determine that?

As you are aware believers come in all shapes and sizes but all have the same goal, and I believe all in their own way try to make a difference in the world, one life at a time.

The question becomes who is learning about God from me, based on my life and relationship with God, most importantly, am I a good messenger? Am I coming across in a way that will lead people or cause them to turn away?

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