Thursday, April 23, 2015


Bob Allen made a difference...

Bob Allen died last Friday and was buried Monday afternoon.  A lot of people said a lot of nice things about Bob over the past few days.  He was an elder at the Highland church of Christ in Abilene.  He was active in the Abilene civic scene.  And he was my boss during the time I sold ads for the Area-wide Phone Book.

His funeral reflected Bob's life.  His three boys spoke.  Family was a big deal to Bob.  He made them a priority.  The funeral was at his church.  And church involvement was an important part of Bob's life.  Bible study group, eldering, worship.  These were central to his life.  Lots of Abilene civic leaders in attendance.  They appreciated what Bob did to make Abilene a better place to live.  Strong mention of Christian Homes, an organization that is committed to helping young Moms and babies.  Bob served as a Board member for years.  Lots of people there from his days as President of Associated Publishing.  People who respected him, who loved him, who admired the way his Christianity impacted his business life.

I always appreciated Bob.  He gave me a job while I figured out what God wanted me to do.  When I went back in full-time ministry, Bob was one of the people I asked for advice and guidance.  Yes, I asked my boss his advice about leaving to do something else.

Bob believed in me.  He encouraged to follow God's calling.

But here's the thing about Bob.  He was not perfect.  He had his own struggles because he was human.  But he did believe.  And he tried every day to live out his faith.  He made a difference.

His funeral reflected that.

I have preached a lot of funerals.  Attended a lot of funerals.  Sometimes I wonder if the funeral reflects reality.  Bob's did.

So thanks to a man who worked at living out his faith.  Thanks for believing in what God could do in my life.  Thanks for being real.

And thanks for reminding all of us that we want our funerals to reflect the reality of our lives.

So enjoy heaven.  We'll be along shortly.

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