Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Elders better know Scripture

We are moving along in our process to select elders at Southern Hills and I am still thinking about what Scripture says about the kind of man he wants to lead his people.

Elders have to know Scripture.  And they better be using it.

I grew up hearing the Timothy passage about "apt to teach" and somehow I got the impression that meant elders should be willing to teach a Bible class if needed.  I hope I just heard it wrong.  Surely nobody taught that.

But I never heard much from Titus about elders knowing the Scripture in order to refute false teaching and also to strengthen the weak.

And I sure never heard growing up that actually elders in the New Testament were the paid teachers and ministers.  What we call ministers were probably evangelists in the first century.

So I am convinced elders have to know Scripture and to really shepherd they must know how to use Scripture.  

Elders might teach and preach publicly.  Some have that gift.  But I think most elder teaching from Scripture is done in living rooms and coffee shops.

Here are the ways I see elders teaching.

Refute false doctrine.  In the midst of pain, it is not uncommon to hear things that are not true. Or real questions expressing doubt, fear, and uncertainty.   Why would God do this to me?  Where was God?  God did not answer my prayer.  I believe that there is a right time and way to teach, but I believe elders need to speak truth into lives during pain.

Or when someone in our flock wants us to approve of their divorce because God wants them to be happy. Wrong.  Elders speak truth about faithfulness, obedience, and joy given thru faith.  Or when a member says God would never have anyone divorce, no matter what.  Wrong.  Elders speak truth.

Or when visitors want to know more about Jesus and how to follow him.  Elders can teach in that way (tho I really think this is what evangelists do).

When members have questions about baptizing their young children. or why their older children have not accepted Christ.  Elders must know truth and speak it into lives.

Elders shepherd by showing from Bible stories how Satan works and how to resist temptation.

Elders speak truth about receiving forgiveness and about extending forgiveness.

Knowing Scripture lets real truth be spoken into real lives from a real God.  

You want elders who know the Book.  You want elders who know how to use the Book.  

Teachers.  Shepherding their flock with advice that comes from the mouth and heart of God.  

Sharing Scripture to exhort, encourage, rebuke, and admonish.  

So we all get safely home.

Thanks God for your Word.  Give us leaders who know truth and who will love us enough to speak it into our lives.

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